Mr. Mrityunjay Ojha, Author at Apponward
Mr. Mrityunjay Ojha

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In today’s digital age, a strong online reputation is crucial for the success of any business. With the rise of social media and online platforms, information spreads rapidly, and a single negative review or comment can significantly impact a brand’s image. This is where Online Reputation Management (ORM) comes into play. 


In this blog post, we will explore what ORM is, its importance in business, steps for effective ORM, the benefits of using online reputation management tools, and how to manage your brand’s online reputation.


What is ORM?

ORM, or Online Reputation Management, refers to shaping and controlling an individual or organization’s online image. It involves monitoring, influencing, and mitigating negative content and conversations about a brand, thereby maintaining a positive online reputation. ORM encompasses various strategies and techniques, including monitoring social media platforms, review sites, and search engine results.


Importance of ORM in Business

Trust and Credibility: A positive online reputation establishes customer trust and credibility. Consumers are likely to choose a brand with a strong reputation and positive reviews.


Customer Acquisition and Retention: A negative online reputation can deter potential customers, resulting in lost business opportunities. In contrast, a positive reputation can attract new customers and encourage recurring purchases.


Brand Perception: Online reputation directly influences how the public perceives your brand. A negative reputation can tarnish your brand’s image and affect consumer perception of your products or services.


Crisis Management: In times of crisis or negative publicity, ORM helps businesses control the narrative and minimize potential damage. It allows you to address concerns promptly, provide accurate information, and demonstrate transparency.


How Online Reputation Management Works?

Online Monitoring: ORM begins with diligent monitoring of online mentions, reviews, and discussions about a business across multiple platforms. This includes social media platforms, review websites, news articles, forums, and blogs. Advanced tools and software are used to track and analyze these online conversations in real time.


Negative Content Mitigation: When negative content surfaces, ORM professionals develop strategies to mitigate its impact. This can involve addressing customer concerns, responding promptly to negative reviews or comments, and actively engaging with customers to resolve issues. By demonstrating a proactive approach, businesses can minimize the potential damage caused by negative publicity.


Content Creation and Optimization: ORM focuses on creating and promoting positive content about a business to enhance its online reputation. This includes developing engaging website content, publishing informative blog posts, and sharing valuable social media updates. Additionally, search engine optimization (SEO) techniques are employed to ensure that positive content ranks higher in search engine results, pushing down negative content.


Review Management: Online reviews hold significant weight in shaping public perception. ORM involves managing and responding to customer reviews across various platforms. Positive reviews are acknowledged and appreciated, while negative reviews are addressed professionally and resolved. Encouraging satisfied customers to leave reviews can also help boost a business’s reputation.


Benefits of Online Reputation Management

Implementing a robust online reputation management strategy offers numerous benefits for businesses. Here are a few key advantages:


Increased Trust and Credibility: A positive online reputation helps establish trust and credibility with customers, partners, and stakeholders. It creates a favorable perception of the business, making it more likely for customers to choose its products or services.


Competitive Advantage: A strong online reputation can differentiate a business from its competitors in today’s competitive market. Positive reviews, ratings, and testimonials can sway potential customers to choose one business over another.


Better Customer Relationships: ORM allows businesses to actively engage with their customers, addressing their concerns and resolving issues promptly. This fosters better customer relationships and increases customer loyalty.


Crisis Management: In a PR crisis or negative publicity, having an established ORM strategy can help businesses effectively manage the situation. Swift action and transparent communication can help minimize the impact of negative incidents on a business’s reputation.


The Importance of ORM in Businesses

Trust and Credibility: A strong online reputation helps businesses establish trust and credibility with their target audience. Positive reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers can significantly influence potential customers’ decision-making process.


Brand Image and Perception: How a brand is perceived online greatly affects its image. ORM allows businesses to control and shape this perception by promptly addressing negative reviews and feedback, highlighting positive customer experiences, and engaging in proactive reputation-building activities.


Customer Acquisition and Retention: A positive online reputation attracts new customers and encourages repeat business. Customers are more likely to choose a brand with a good reputation as they perceive it as a safer and more reliable choice.


Crisis Management: ORM plays a vital role in mitigating the impact of potential crises. By actively monitoring and responding to negative feedback or misinformation, businesses can prevent a crisis from escalating and protect their reputation.


Effective Online Reputation Management Strategies

Monitor Online Conversations: Utilize monitoring tools and services to keep track of online mentions, reviews, and social media conversations related to your brand. This allows you to address any negative sentiment or issues that arise promptly.


Engage with Your Audience: Actively engage with customers on social media platforms, review websites, and other online channels. Respond to both positive and negative feedback professionally and empathetically, showing that you value your customers’ opinions.


Provide Exceptional Customer Service: Delivering outstanding customer service is crucial for maintaining a positive reputation. Ensure your customer service team is well-trained and responsive, promptly and effectively addressing customer concerns.


Encourage and Manage Online Reviews: Actively encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews on platforms like Google, Yelp, or industry-specific review websites. Address negative reviews by offering solutions or explanations, demonstrating your commitment to resolving issues.


Create and Share Positive Content: Regularly create high-quality content showcasing your brand’s values, expertise, and positive customer experiences. This helps to establish a positive online presence and push down negative search results.


Monitor and Address Fake News or Misinformation: In the era of fake news, monitoring and addressing any false information that could harm your brand’s reputation is essential. Respond promptly with accurate information and consider legal action if necessary.



In today’s digitally connected world, online reputation management has become an indispensable part of running a successful business. A positive online reputation builds trust, enhances brand image, and contributes to customer acquisition and retention. 


Businesses can safeguard their reputation and thrive in the competitive digital landscape by implementing effective ORM strategies, such as monitoring online conversations, engaging with the audience, providing exceptional customer service, and managing online reviews. Remember, a strong online reputation is an investment in long-term success.

Mr. Mrityunjay Ojha

5 Mins to Read

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If you’ve been reading up on web push notifications lately, you know businesses are jumping on this type of marketing to get their users’ attention. It’s no surprise since almost 80% of desktop and 50% of mobile web traffic now support web push notifications.

So, it’s no surprise that web push notifications are getting a lot of attention. But, like any marketing tactic, if you’re not getting people to click, it’s probably not working. If you’re having trouble getting people to click on your notifications or just looking for ways to improve your click-through rate, here are some tips to help.

Ways to Increase Your Push Notification CTR

Opt-in Choice

Push notifications have an average of 90% open rate, which can help boost conversions for your website. To make it work, you must give your visitors the option to opt-in at the start. This is important because if they click on a message and don’t find it useful, they’ll be more likely to opt out later.



Personalization can have a significant impact on your open rate and click-through rate. Incorporate humor or emojis to make your customers feel like they are receiving a message from a trusted friend (if this makes sense in the context of the message). When the context is appropriate, your target audience will be more attentive and more likely to respond to your notification messages.


Flash Sales

Flash sales messages are a great way to get people to buy right away. They create a sense of urgency and excitement in users, which leads to a higher click-through rate. Send out push notifications with time-sensitive offers that get people to make a purchase right away. Plus, you can add discounts and cashback to make it even more effective.


Cart Abandonment Notifications

Did you know that over 75% of e-commerce carts never see a thank you page? On average, cart abandonment leads to $4 trillion in lost revenue every year.


Why do people abandon their carts? There are many reasons why people abandon their carts, but the most common one is because they don’t know where their cart is. Remind them about their cart status via a push notification for your website.


Use push messaging to create a sense of urgency and encourage them to return and complete their purchase process as soon as possible.


Urgency is one of the most powerful motivators for push notification CTR. When they receive a push notification that shows the urgency, they’ll click on it to see what they missed out on. This will boost your Push Notification CTR.


Product Back in Stock

On many eCommerce platforms like Amazon, when a user is on the purchasing page, and the product is unavailable, a push notification is displayed indicating that Amazon will notify the user when the product is available again. This provides the user with a sense of trust and dependability, while also providing them with a sense of ease and satisfaction.


Occasion-based Notifications

People usually like to spend more generously on presents for their loved ones around the holidays. For any e-commerce business, this is the perfect time to encourage users to update their wardrobes with web push notifications to enjoy all the new season arrivals.


Get your users to update their wardrobes and attract them with promotions and discounts. Use the following alerts:

  • Celebrating birthdays/anniversaries
  • End-of-season sale
  • Summer/Winter collection alert
  • Discount on daily use & other products
  • Offers on daily use & other products



When something is limited, everyone wants a piece of it. Make your push notification feel like it’s limited. The subscriber won’t want to miss something so valuable, and they’ll click your notification. Not only will this boost your push notification CTR, but it’ll also boost conversion.



Nowadays, it’s hard to think of a chat conversation that doesn’t include emojis. People have gotten used to them, and sometimes messages that don’t have emojis are seen as negative. So, why not incorporate these habits into your ads?

Emojis are a great way to add good vibes to your message. Not only that but with the vivid detail, users will be more likely to click on your ad.


In conclusion, Push notifications are a powerful way to engage your customers and boost sales. But they won’t work if you don’t have a well-thought-out plan. By following the tips and best practices outlined in this blog, you can improve your push notification CTR and drive more traffic and revenue to your website or app.

Remember to segment your audience, personalize your messages, use clear and compelling CTAs, and continuously analyze and optimize your campaigns for maximum effectiveness.


With these strategies in place, you can take your push notification campaigns to the next level and achieve your business goals.

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